You Can Do Hard Things

strong is beautifulI hate running.  It’s always seemed so pointless to me. I mean, why run just to run, without a destination or an identified purpose?   Unless someone is chasing you, it just seems so unnecessarily strenuous.  

But you can’t grow by staying inside your comfort zone. I understand that undeniable truth, and when an opportunity arises, I find myself jumping into experiences that I know will stretch me beyond my known limits. You don’t know what you don’t know, as the saying goes. I say, you don’t know what you don’t know until you do. And you can only know what’s unknown by trying new things, right?

So that’s why, even though I hate to run and even though I was straight-up terrified of the many (many) pull-ups, pushups, burpees and squats that I knew awaited me, I begrudgingly signed up for an insane fitness challenge that I had once scoffed at as being inhumane and agreed to forego wine and coffee (among life’s other delights) for four weeks in the name of fitness. The program consisted of a strict Paleo diet that made me wince at first glance (what do you mean, no hummus?!) and a workout regimen that had me doing handstand pushups on Saturdays.  (To answer your question, yes, I modified them).  Anytime I had a serving of alcohol I would have to run a mile.  And did I mention that the four weeks encompassed Mother’s Day, the most glorious of all days to eat brunch?  Yet I dove in anyway, jitterbugs be damned.  My goal was not to lose weight or inches, although I lost plenty of both. It wasn’t even to win. It was just to finish the challenge and give it my all so that I would know: can I? Can I do it? Spoiler alert:  yes, I can!

And as growth opportunities often do, this journey changed my life.

Not only did I make an amazing, life-long friend in Samantha, the partner to whom I was randomly assigned, I became physically stronger, mentally tougher, grittier and more resilient than I believed was possible. I can like, totally do a real pushup now. Running ain’t no thing anymore. I kicked caffeine for good. I am now a Paleo ninja.  Oh, and Sam and I came in first place at the end of the 4 weeks, which was pretty cool too.

The moral? Crushing a goal is dirty, hard work. It’s sweaty and gross. It’s painful and challenging and, in my case, can bring you to your knees gasping for air, or leave you face down on a trodden gym floor trying not to cry as you force yourself up for burpee number 15 of 22. But it’s also where you learn the nooks and crannies of who you are and who you’re becoming. It’s where the magic happens.

So, what’s your “insane fitness challenge?”  You know—that thing in the periphery that you think you could never do but would secretly love to give a shot?  Do you want to publish a book?  Open a bakery?  Start a home-based business?  Lose 25 pounds?   And who might you be at the end of that journey?  Might you be stronger?  More resilient?  More willing to give yourself experiences that fortify your self-belief?

We all know what quitting feels like. Challenge yourself to taste what it would be like to try something new and finish what you start, and finish strong.  

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